Thursday, February 26, 2009

Iggy Pop: Open up and Bleed

A striking biography of the regularly topless "Godfather of Punk."

Iggy Pop: Open up and Bleed
by Paul Trynka
Find it in the Library at call number ML420 .P66 I33 2007

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mbuti Pygmies

More than forty years ago Smithsonian Folkways recorded these unique sounds of the Mbuti pygmies living in the rainforest of the former Belgian Congo (present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo).

Mbuti Pygmies of the Ituri Rainforest
by Smithsonian Folkways
Find it in our Audio Collection at call number MW AF CG .M38 1992

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Meaning of Food

A delicious collection of vignettes featuring food and its place in our lives, cultures and families. We have both the DVD and the companion book to this wonderful series.

The Meaning of Food
by Patricia Harris, David Lyon and Sue McLaughlin
Find the DVD in our Video collection at call number GT2853 .U5M43 2005; the book has the same call number but is located on the general bookshelves.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Donner Party

Imagine it's 1846 and you party of pioneers gets stuck in endless winter storms crossing the Sierra. Not fun. This documentary by Ken Burns' brother Ric brings the infamous events of that terribly tragedy to life.

The Donner Party
by Ric Burns
Find it in our Video collection at call number F868 .N5D66 2004

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Darwin and Lincoln

February 12th marks the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's and Abraham Lincoln's birthdays. We have oodles of materials on both, but here are two of my favorites:

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design is a DVD of the fascinating Civic Engagement Project sponsored debate between renowned evolutionist Ken Miller and Berkeley law professor Phillip Johnson.

Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin is an insightful look at how our first Republican president won his party's nomination and then included his rivals in his landmark cabinet.

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design
hosted by the Civic Engagement Project
Find this DVD in the Library's Archives at call number QH367 .E96 2006

Team of Rivals
by Doris Kearns Goodwin
Find this book in the Library at call number E457.45 .G66 2005

Monday, February 9, 2009


Wangari Maathai's inspirational journey from rural Kenyan upbringing to become the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

by Wangari Maathai
Find it in the Library at call number SB63 .M22A3 2007

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Thirty years ago shyness became an illness. This well-documented book explores how such a dramatic change took place and its widespread ramifications.

Shyness: How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness
by Christopher Lane
Find it in the Library at call number BF575 .B3L36 2007

Monday, February 2, 2009

Young Children

YC is the journal of the National Association for the Education of Young Children and is filled with news items relevant to the field, research updates, tips and best practices.

Young Children
by the National Association for the Education of Young Children
The current issue of Young Children is located in the Reading Area of the Library. Back issues of all our magazines are located along the back wall of the Library and circulate for one week at a time.